Mercy in brief
Since its inception, the Association has adopted many initiatives to achieve its vision in various fields, including (empowerment - rehabilitation and training - education - construction and development).
In order for the Society to achieve its goals in the field of humanitarian work, it has established several departments specialized in project management, through which it has been able to alleviate the suffering of the poor and needy, care for orphans, sponsor poor families, build mosques, advanced training institutes, distinguished schools, and dig wells.
Over the years, the Rahma Charitable Association's commitment to the most sustainable development projects continued, through the implementation of empowerment projects, multi-service centers, water projects and educational projects, which target the places most in need of developing their members and alleviating their suffering in the light of achieving our goals in the light of our vision and mission.
Al-Rahma Charitable Association Asia has participated in the international campaign for sustainable development launched by the United Nations.
The association has obtained several certificates, including (a certificate of acclamation from the Islamic Council in Soncla Province and a certificate of acclamation from the Islamic Council in Benga Province).