الأحد 19 ربيع الأول 1446 ( 22/09/2024 )

educational centers

educational centers

Building schools, institutes and educational centers

The Qur’an urged learning and made the rank of knowledge one of the best ranks that is not equal to virtue. The Almighty said: “Read in the name of your Lord who created.” This was the beginning of the heavenly revelation, and the descent of Gabriel - upon him be peace - and the Messenger - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - receiving the first words of God. The essentials of life, and it is an important element in its happiness and stability, and in it people are known and distinguished, and in it competition is sweet, and life also thrives, where everyone benefits.

Believing in the importance of education, Al-Rahma Charitable Society sought to open schools and educational and vocational centers to educate and elevate this generation, so that it becomes a distinguished generation that serves its religion and country.

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